What is a RSS News Feed?

Just what is a RSS news feed? Well, RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary depending on who you talk to. Basically, it is a format for sites that are constantly updating their content. These sites include blogs, news sources and others. An RSS news feed will keep subscribers up to date on new content. You may already be using a news RSS feed to keep up with your favorite sites.

You get sent a new list of updates at the schedule you have set up, as well as snippets of the new content, or even the entire content. This lets you easily pick and choose which sites you wish to visit, and in which order. It makes your daily browsing quick and efficient.

There are many benefits for having an RSS news feed on your site that you may not be aware of. These can be beneficial if you are trying to drive new traffic to your site, or trying to keep people actively engage at your website. When you provide RSS services, your visitors will receive reminders and notifications when you update your content. A RSS news feed will let them eliminate having to refer to a long list of bookmarks just to keep up on their favorite websites.

Creating a RSS news feed can be as simple as using the tools on a blogging platform that you use to publish your blog. If you have created your site manually, you can find services that will help you create the XML code to get that RSS news feed upload and running. You can find many RSS news feed software packages that can help you.

Of course, after you have placed that RSS news feed, you want to announce its availability. Accordingly, there are services similar to the ones to create RSS news feeds that can help you with this task. These services will help identify potential visitors, as well as helping potential readers find your site.

So if you have been thinking about news RSS feeds, you can see that both subscribing to them, as well as adding them to your own site is simple. So, go out there and get started!