Make It Easier for Others to Enjoy Your Website or Blog

You may be subscribed to some RSS feeds for yourself, but have you ever considered adding them to your own website? RSS is so useful when it comes to making it convenient for users to get updates on new content, that the majority of blog and website services automatically include RSS feed generation. However, there are some services that do not provide RSS feeds for you, so here is a little help if you do not know how how to add RSS to your website.

  • How to add RSS to your website if it is not built in.
  • You can add RSS to your website by either writing the XML code for yourself, or by using a feed building software. Remember to always check your website or blog provider to make sure that RSS feeds are not automatically being generated. When you add RSS feed to blogs by using a feed builder, all that you need to do follow prompts from the software or program in order to generate an XML file. The XML file can then be uploaded to your site where people will choose to subscribe so that they can get automatic updates for any of your new content. Free RSS feed generators are also available, and may have different features for customizing your feed.

  • How to add RSS to your website if you want another website RSS feed to display.
  • This is done with free coding, or widgets that you can add to a sidebar as a part of the layout and design features provided by your website or blog service. Note that if you want to add RSS to Blogger, it is as simple as adding an HTML or JavaScript box to your sidebar, and then inserting some code. The code for adding news RSS feeds is easily obtained online, and once added to the HTML or JavaScript form on your Blogger, will display whatever website RSS you have chosen. If you want to add fresh new content to your website, and you have more than one website, then just add your website RSS to link up and cross-promote your sites.

It is surprisingly easy to add RSS feeds to your website, either as an option for others to subscribe to, or as a unique display of content from another website. The key is to use tools already available to you from your blog or website service, software programs, or free HTML generating tools. Add RSS feeds to your website to make your content easier to access, or just to change up the content, and your readers will thank you for it.